Ten Fun Facts About Butterflies (02:27)
A Wild Turkey Dust Bathing in New York (01:00)
The First Job Bees Have in Spring Is Grim (02:06)
Why ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ Trope Isn’t an Exaggeration (01:16)
This Prehistoric Fish Makes a Great White Look Like a Goldfish (03:02)
How Svalbard's Glaciers Precipitate an Arctic Feeding Frenzy (02:21)
This Ancient Fish Is Facing a Plummeting Population Crisis (01:21)
A Chance Encounter With a Polar Bear and Her Two Cubs (02:16)
Fascinating Footage of a Reef Squid Protecting His Mate (01:55)
The Clever Idea That's Reducing Rattlesnake Casualties (01:33)
These Swimming Pigs Live a Cushy Lifestyle in the Bahamas (03:18)
Why Yellowstone Can be a Magnet for Deadly Misadventures (03:21)
These Dancing Flamingos Know How to Draw Attention (01:15)
Two Gelada Brothers Viciously Fight for Breeding Rights (03:04)
The Lizard's Tale 101: Meet the Anoles (06:22)
This Remarkably Long Flower Stores Its Nectar Deep Inside (02:58)
Hostile Lioness Withholds Food from Hungry Orphaned Cubs (03:09)
Five Young Lion Brothers Mate with One Lioness (03:44)
A Clever Cuttlefish Goes in for the Kill (01:55)
A Polar Bear Released Back Into the Wild by Helicopter (02:12)
This Footage of Jaguars in Panama Could Save Their Lives (03:39)
How Churchill Protects Itself From Polar Bears (02:28)
Mother Tiger Makes Speedy Kill to Feed Cubs (02:02)
An Intense Struggle to Catch a Giant West African Tarpon (03:10)
Why People Believed Hippos Were Related to Whales (01:31)
Why These Lagoons Are Full of Giant Barracuda (02:44)
Fishing for Perch in Nile Crocodile-Filled Waters (03:08)
Catching a Giant 30-lb. Perch With a Wooden Reel (02:37)
Braving Shark-Infested Waters for a Look at This Big Fish (03:05)
This Is How Hard It Is to Catch a 40-lb. Dogtooth With a Reel (03:34)
Terrifying Mammals That May Have Greeted Early Humans in America (02:32)
Why Deception Valley's Deadly Heat is Good for Wildlife (01:39)