Human Behavior

Disclaimer: enormous cranium notwithstanding, that’s not me in the picture

Evolving a Better Bank Balance

Author of Snoop: What Your Stuff Says About You, Sam Gosling.

How to Be a Snoop

The way you arrange your home or office may reveal surprising results


With Economy Tanking, Ingenuity Is Still a Bargain

Cast Iron is Dead: Long Live Cast Iron!

For some people in the region (Chapel of All Saints, San Luis, Colorado), the DNA results have been a revelation.

Cracking the Code of the Human Genome

The 'Secret Jews' of San Luis Valley

In Colorado, the gene linked to a virulent form of breast cancer found mainly in Jewish women is discovered in Hispanic Catholics


Science to Religion: Can't We All Just Get Along?

Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) by Tom Vanderbilt examines traffic science and psychology

The Truth About Traffic

Author Tom Vanderbilt Shows Why Cars and People Don’t Mix


You Are Better Than Economists Think


On the Origin of a Theory

Charles Darwin's bid for enduring fame was sparked 150 years ago by word of a rival's research


Our Cheatin' Heart

199 Candles

Early Americans Mined Iron to Make Art, Not War

To learn how the mind works, biologist Laurie Santos (with a research subject on Cayo Santiago) studies a seemingly paradoxical question: Do monkeys assume that people act like monkeys?

Thinking Like a Monkey

What do our primate cousins know and when do they know it? Researcher Laurie Santos is trying to read their minds


Sound and Fury

Norman Mailer's anger and towering ego propelled-and undermined-his prodigious output

Boys: Would You Make Fun of This Man?

The Rose Walk, Giverny, 1920–22, Musée Marmottan Monet

Eyeing Impressionism


Scott's Cross


Blame the Rich

They made us who we are, some researchers now say

Wolf spider

Baby Food


Animal Insight

Recent studies illustrate which traits humans and apes have in common—and which they don't

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